VEREDUS Neo Derma Cream - Veredus -

VEREDUS Neo Derma Cream

SKU NDC Category Veredus
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Healing ointment for bruises with collagen and hazel extracts Skin-regenerating ointment, effective in the treatment of saddle sores on the withers and mud fever on the pasterns. Directions for use: Apply the ointment on the affected area. Repeat the application twice a day.

Healing ointment for bruises with collagen and hazel extracts Skin-regenerating ointment, effective in the treatment of saddle sores on the withers and mud fever on the pasterns. Directions for use: Apply the ointment on the affected area. Repeat the application twice a day.

Category Veredus Brand Veredus EAN13 8032589061570 In stock 2 Items
VEREDUS Neo Derma Cream

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